Society Registration
Society is a group of individuals formed for non-profitable service. The Society registered under the Societies Registration Act holds the status of a legal entity. Society Registration can be completed through the Office of Registrar of Society which is regulated by the State Government of Odisha. In this article, we look at the procedure for society registration in details.
Reasons to Register Society
There are various reasons for registering a society, as below:
- Opening an account in the banks
- Obtaining registration and approvals under the Income Tax Act, 1961
- Confer properties to society
- Give recognition to the society at all forums
Documents Required
The following documents are to be attached along with the application form:
- Memorandum of society signed by the President or Secretary of the society in each page
- Bye-law of society
- Resolution of the General Body Meeting
- Copy of the Confirmation of Resolution
- House rent agreement along with a copy of the R.O.R
- Affidavit of the president or secretary in original
- Self-attested copy of the identity proofs of all members of the Governing Body